June 19, 2007

nancy drew & relient k

went 2 see nancy drew in theatres 2z-day * it wuz very impressive, though uv course ekstremely unlike the books * ned was so terrible! * i'd worried about their portreyil, and it was less then dezirable * enjoyable movie all-around *

emma roberts (above
) is the very imaj of her aunt julia roberts

4 my birthday i received relient k's fourth album "mmhmmm" [see footnote] * i was lissening to it last nite and thinking that most uv their songs aren't really sing-along-able * they don't reely have verse-chorus format, and wood like to c sheet music to some of their songs * i was having trubble pinpointing their lyrics to exact notes * :-) * they r all christians and their music is mostly kunsidered christian, but they don't reely menchun god or jesus by name * i can definitely see where the mettafors are heading though 4 all u who say they r not christian * :-) *

the song "which to bury, us or the hatchet" reminds me straynjly of a josh groban song (ha) entitled "now or never" * anyone besides me see simmilerities? * :-) *

relient k is a bit strange * apathetictruth.com kwotes lead singer matt thiessen as saying that the one big reason the album is titled
mmhmm is because there are so many different ways to prunownce it * he also said that they wanted something short and concise, and something that would make people look foolish when they tried to pronounce it *

another interesting feecher: on the previosuly menchunned album there is a track zeero lissted on the jacket * i wundered what that was about and after reserch discovered that if u sett your player to trak uno then rewind to -20 seconds u find trak zero - a hiddn trak with leftover backup vocals from the song "my girl's ex-boyfriend" * cool, huh? * it turns out there r hundreds of hiddn traks on albums throughout the yeers - click here for a full list *


Ellentia said...

What is up with the weird spellings?


Petr said...

Having fun with fonts?