September 1, 2008

German Mirror Prank

This is hilarious. OMG, imagine going to all that trouble practicing....just to prank people? It would undoubtedly be even funnier if the video was in English.....


Petr said...

Something on your page is making videos not work right. No video on the page itself works, and even if I have one open on another page it won't work, so I have to close this one before I can see that one...

Messed up. O_o

Petr said...

Actually, it's the same for youtube. I first noticed when you posted the Olympics videos. Some script on the page is probably throwing everything off. :/

No indeed, I haven't been "around" lately. That's what happens when you have a restless summer and a full fall to follow.

I'm sorely tempted to give you a full commentary on what's up, but suffice to say, it's on my blog. :P
(start on August 19th if you haven't read that one already)

But how's your life going?