August 4, 2007

I hope you dance

I think we'll start out with a Xanga feature:

Currently Listening

Currently Watching


Next, we move on to the Minnesota bridge collapse. Terrible, terrible. Most of you who are in touch with the media whatsoever have heard and overabundance of coverage on this particular story, but for those of you who have not here is a link. Better yet, Google it.


Alright, section 3. Today we took a wonderfully interesting trip to the mall. We decided to take the whole family and attempt to fight our way in with the rest of the masses taking advantage of the tax-free weekend. Whew!

I embarrassed a sales associate in JC_Penney's who was trying to give directions to the bathroom by pointing out that it was three feet behind him, which was pretty funny. Other humorous incidences abounded!

I had just finished trying on a pair of jeans (too low cut, big surprise) and was coming out of the dressing room (do you all say dressing room or fitting room?) to find another pair when I had this really gigantic sneeze. It was such a huge sneeze that my head slammed into the stall door, which proceeded to fly open (faulty latch!) and hit a poor lady outside the stall who probably had a very unpleasant surprise whop her in the head! I apologized several times but once she figured out what happened she was laughing (thank goodness). Come to think of it, I've been sneezing a lot lately, and it's kind of starting to hurt (in more than one way!)

Later, I let the baby out of his stroller and he raced away only to run smack into a headless mannequin. Now this is probably a very frightening experience for a sixteen month old, to suddenly see a fully dressed person who is missing his head. He simply stared at it for a long time, then backed away slowly, whispering "oh shoo so kooo wah!" Then he turned around, took a few steps, and suddenly turned around and pointed accusingly at the mannequin. Like he expected it to have suddenly produced a head. Poor baby.

We made it out alive three hours later, with some excellent fall clothing. Hooray for jeans that aren't too tight!


I leave you with this video.
"I hope you dance," by Lee Ann Womack
Clips from Disney's Sleeping Beauty

1 comment:

Ellentia said...

Ha Ha! I think you win the award for the weirdest way to open a door!

