May 9, 2007

I love this video

Last night was interesting. We had some drama at small group...people break rules and then of course it wasn't their fault but their feelings are still hurt..... :-( But we got roses from our leader which was really nice. We used roses as an analogy for last week's lesson on purity. The rose represents a beautiful princess, and we're to be reminded that if we give away our "rose petals" to boys, then we're not so beautiful anymore, like a rose without any petals. In the words of my youth minister: Boys are yucky. :-)

And for the random element of this post, this woman is pregnant with her seventeenth child. :-O

Their children are named Joshua, John, Janna, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jeremiah, Jedidiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johanna, and now Jennifer. I don't think I could name a child of mine Jedidiah. :-I

Let's see, I could do Joshua, Jonathan, Janna, Jillian, Jessica, Jacquelyn, Joseph, Joel, Joy, Jaret, Jeffrey, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson - Jackie- , Johanna, and Jennifer. :-) Seven girls and ten boys. Oh my gosh. :-)

1 comment:

Ellentia said...

Haha! That vidio sure got me! I didn't even notice until it was pointed out to me!

Seventeen kids! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I wouldn't survive with that many brothers and sisters to embarrass me! (I get embarrassed quite easily) :)
