February 5, 2006

Nothin' much

Right now I am at my youth minister's house at a Super Bowl Party, waiting for the game to begin. Everyone else is playing Halo2 right now (evil in physical form -- directly from the devil, if anyone cares to know my opinion) so I'm taking advantage of the sweet unit here -- gigantic flatscreen, and a wifi connection faster than the speed of light.
The people in my church youth group are so different than all you familiar people. People might think you were from Mars if you mentioned Pride & Prejedice (no idea how to spell that one). Only similarities are the love of paintball and the fact that everyone is supposedly a Christian, emphasis on "supposedly." Also, I'm one of 3 regular girls, out of 30 or so total. Yep, at church I hang with the guys, by default.
This morning I went to the section of the church where our Hispanic branch meets. I attempted to speak with the son of the pastor, who just moved here from Mexico a few months ago. Difficult because of the language barrier, but rewarding. His name is Joel (pronounced
ho EL), and he is 15 years old. I would like very much to be able to speak Spanish so we could really have a conversation. In Mexico, church is very different. Men sit on the opposite side of the sanctuary than the women, and young men and young women do not speak casually together and they NEVER touch each other. There could be some definite advantages there, if you ask me.
If ya'll would, be in prayer for my friend from ballet, Deanne. Sunday night, she was attacked by her dog. She put her hand up to protect her face, and her dog bit through her hand and through her upper lip. She cannot speak properly and her hand is temporarily parylized. Her face is scarred now; her mouth is kind of twisted upward. *tear of compassion running down face.*
See ya'll Friday. Remember, Speech and Debate is at my house ! **** *****.



Anonymous said...

bla bla bla bla bla

berekkah said...

"Men sit on the opposite side of the sanctuary than the women, and young men and young women do not speak casually together and they NEVER touch each other. There could be some definite advantages there, if you ask me."

amen! I visited Peru and that's how it was too... the testimony of the brothers down south absolutely spoiled my view of the male species. i encourage you to learn spanish; you won't regret it.

Leighanne said...

Berekkah, I have been meaning to learn Spanish for a long while, I'm sure it would be beneficial. Of course, meaning to doesn't make it happen. Jamey, I am a member of NAHSA, I am a friend of Esther McClure. You and your sister took me to putt putt but it was closed so we just had sno cones. Ring a bell?