September 25, 2008

A Non-Special Post, Just What I've Been Doing Lately :-D

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not. - Kurt Cobain

We were able to pick up our photos from the State Fair on Tuesday. It was fun to see them displayed, and we did win a couple of collective ribbons. I had one award, and it was certainly not given to my favorite photo. Oh well...

Third Prize, Geometric and Abstract Shapes Division

Last Wednesday I was finally able to attend small groups for the first time. It was SO good to be back after our summer break and my schedule conflicts these past weeks. There were eleven of us there - a big increase from last year's five regular attenders, though I did know all the girls there. It will be interesting to see how many of these eleven remain through graduation.... :-I

The new DWTS has started. WAY EXCITED. :-D I definitely don't have a favorite yet, but it looks like a pretty good lineup.

I have been pretty interested in the news about Gospel Today magazine. They recently published an issue featuring women senior pastors on the cover and Lifeway Christian stores immediately pulled it from their shelves. I don't happen to believe they should've pulled it, I have no reason to believe there's anything wrong with women pastors. Hmmm....


Ellentia said...

Which fair entry was your favorite?


Petr said...

"Hmmm" indeed.