January 7, 2008

Oasis Cigarettes

In the course of browsing around during my break and generally wasting much time, I decided to read the newsletter of our co-op group. There I read an article that seems to me quite unbelievable. Do you know what? Harvard has revamped their financial aid program and now families with incomes under $60,000 do not pay to go to Harvard. Really? That's what I said. Here's the link.



Last night at youth we spent about an hour in an open ended discussion of spiritual matters. The topic centered predominantly around good and evil. And, for a short time, whether or not you would still go to heaven if I Am Legend really happened and you were turned into a zombie. *sigh* There are cons to open ended discussions.

I am often quite surprised to hear what other Christians personally believe about certain things. For example, there were several students quite convinced that good people go to heaven period. Ghandi, for example, or devout Jews. For me, that totally goes against the Bible. What about that little part that talks about not being saved by works? [Ephesians 2: 8-9] There would be zero point in Jesus dying on a cross if anybody could go to heaven by being a good person. This point always seems to hurt people's toes.



Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc - www.reverendfun.com


Ellentia said...

Talking about people becoming zombies made me think about that Dr. Who show we watched last Friday. That show was so creepy...


Petr said...

Not seen Who recently... how many planets has he saved since October?