August 9, 2007

Political Musings

From "Darkness at Noon"
-Arthur Koestler-

"Well, and what of it?" said Ivanov happily. "Don't you find it wonderful? Has anything more wonderful ever happened in history? We are tearing the old skin off mankind and giving it a new one! There was once a time when the Revolution filled you with enthusiasm. What has so changed you that you are now as pernickety as an old maid?"

"I have seen the flayed body of this generation: but I see no trace of the new skin. We all thought one could treat history like on experiments in physics. The difference is that in physics one can repeat the experiment a thousand times, but in history only once. Danton and Saint-Just can be sent to execution only once, and if it should turn out that their actions would after all have been the right thing, they will not come back to life again."

"And what follows?" asked Ivanov. "Should we sit with idle hands because the consequences of an act are never quite to be foreseen, and hence all action is evil?"


To end this post I will show you, through YouTube, a few card tricks. I start with my personal favorite, The Impossible Four.

Alright, nĂºmero dos.

Purportedly the best card trick in the world. Interesting, but (for me) not as chic as the first one. But for the sake of the enterprising person who named this trick, we'll post it.

Now here is the card trick...revealed. You see?

Now I have piqued your curiosity and you want to see more. Perhaps you are even tempted to visit your library with discreet haste and check out as many books on card tricks as the library owns. See what influence I have over those who read this blog?


Ellentia said...

I assure you I am not rushing to the library to get card trick books, I already have plenty of hobbies that are monetarily and time consuming interests!

If you don't really like that book (as you have been telling me for the past few days) why are posting about it?

Oh well. Thanks for helpful advice and changes you made on my blog. (that was not sarcastic btw)


Petr said...

Messing around with the ol' template again? Inspired you did I? ;)

Well, I just got back from *yet another* week long trip out of town. Don't be upset anymore. I shall post soon...