June 12, 2007

My weekend

Quixotic \ kwik SOT ik \ adjective. Etymology: Don Quixote [You'd think it'd be pronounced kee YOT ik]. 1. Foolishly impractical in the pursuit of ideals; especially marked by romantic ideas or extravagantly chivalrous action. 2. Capricious, unpredictable. Cool word.

Big weekend. Friday, as previously mentioned, I went out to tea with four of my friends. We had chocolate covered strawberries, scones, quiche, raspberry cheesecake, turkey on marbled rye, chicken salad croissants, and others. I chose a hot tea called Blue Sapphire, which was kiwi strawberry coconut creme tea. It was fantastic.

Friday night we had a lock in at the church - lock in being a misnomer, as people kept coming in and out all night long. Technically though, the door was locked - it just kept getting unlocked. We had dinner catered by Fazoli's (yeah!), with only one minor problem - that being burning plastic tablecloths the result of teenage boys left alone with tea lights. :-)

We played kickball, volleyball and Apples to Apples (the greatest game ever), watched 13 Going On 30 (which was interesting), gorged ourselves on ice cream sundaes, Zingers, Oreos and honey buns, and played 9-square for hours. Okay, I only played for and hour and a half. :-) It got pretty intense, but I was doing pretty well if I do say so. Other people were playing Call of Duty 3, but I'm not really a video game person. From what I observed, however, it seemed no different than Halo2, other than the time period. Some people know my feelings on this. :-)

I finally found myself approaching the "running on fumes" stage, and attempted sleep. It's really not that easy when nobody will shut up. QUIET ROOM, people, ya missed the memo.

Saturday we got up after an unbelievably short 4 hours of sleep and loaded up in vans to head downtown for a video scavenger hunt. Oh woe is me, I thought, for I must have been assigned to the worst team. For they *gasp* don't care about winning!!!!! :-O We had just one hour to complete our videos. The first half hour we wandered around aimlessly arguing amongst ourselves and accomplishing nothing!!!!! It was horrible. Amazingly, we managed to get all but two done. We didn't get anyone to sing us a Toby Keith song and we didn't find a police officer to give a group hug to. :-(

I think I probably had the most fun doing the log roll jamboree. You know, where everybody lays on the ground and scrunches in together and then the person on the end rolls over everybody else and then the next person goes and so on and so forth. It only hurt when our very light *cough* sponsor rolled over me and elbowed me in the kidney. :-) Other items on the list were

Make a Human Pyramid
Serenade a waitress
Get a group on a water taxi to do the wave
Get on top of a building and sing To Be Alive
Act out a Bible scene
Act out a movie scene
Do a random act of kindness
Find someone wearing a college t-shirt and sing their fight song

And others. The most embarrassing? We had to get a stranger to do the Macarena with us in front of a painted bison. Bison, I repeat, not buffalo. Who do we ask? A random college guy in front of a hotel. And the whole time his friend is laughing his head off and videoing us with his phone, hooting that the video is going on Myspace. Ugggg.

We ate lunch at a Mexican food restaurant (yum) and then the rest of the group headed back to the church to watch the videos and decide on the winners while Dad, Ell and I headed to WICKED!!!!! Whoohoo! It was awesome! I'd never seen it before, but I was very impressed with the cleverly written plot, the songs themselves, and the performances of the leading ladies. the storyline reminds me of a mix between Phantom of the Opera, Star Wars and.

It was like POTO in that Fiyero had to choose between Glinda and Elphaba, or Eric and Raoul. Except that he chose Elphaba, unlike Christine choosing Raoul. :-) And it was like SW in that Elphaba started out as passionate, but she let her passion, which was well meant, morph into a declaration never to do good again, as Anakin's love for Padmé turned into obsession then hate.

Now I am zipping up my suitcase as I prepare to journey home (ha) to stay with the Reese's again. Yaaaaaaay! I'm so excited about this trip!!!!


Anonymous said...

You lost me at "It was like POTO"
Glad you had fun.
Uncle Dave

Ellentia said...

Say hi to everyone back "home" for me!


Anonymous said...

Leighanne: We are having fun but surely do miss you. I've been swimming both days Surprise! Surprise! Looking forward to your return and we'll see you for a few hours. Much love, grannie