January 14, 2007


This morning was very difficult! It was our last Sunday here, so the church made a big presentation in both services, we all had to stand up, people clapped for us (why???), we received a beautiful Bible (extra large print! Ha!) and a lot of money. A really lot of money :-O

Instead of Sunday School, there was a reception in the fellowship hall with gobs and gobs of food, and like a good hostess, I didn't eat any of it. I did my duty walking around, saying "Goodbye, yes we'll miss you, yes we'll make new friends, we'll definitely keep in touch, we're a little happy and a little sad" at least 7,000 times, I kid you not.

The high school group jumped upon me, squeezing the life out of me, and then the waterworks started! I had determined I was not going to cry, darn it all. I love you guys so much! I'm going to miss My Boys so much.

I'm off to finish Ben-Hur (there were many shouts of anger from the) audience, then I'm off on a Venturing camp-out. I wil post pictures of the flower bouquet we received later. So long, ya'll!

1 comment:

Petr said...

Who are "My Boys" and what is the deal with them?

Just a general question Shadow and I had for you.
No offense?