and see if I can't clarify a point for Spectre.
First, as promised, Here are some of my "flower pics."
The Camp-out. Last night we had our first official Venturing Campout at the Selman's house. It was so much fun! First: the assembling of the tent. I believe that there is a chance that our teamwork skills could be improved upon. :-) We did manage to get it up, but it almost won!
By the time we got the tent set up, it was time to start dinner. Briana and I were in charge of cooking the hambuger. I was ruthlessly butchering the meat with my spatula when I noticed that my fingers were feeling really funny. "Hey Bree? My fingers feel like they're being electrocuted." The response? "Oh yeah, it does that sometimes." Great!
When we got everything cooked, we finally got to enjoy our chili, cornbread and cherry chocolate cobbler. I honestly didn't think the cobbler was all that spectacular, but it was quite edible.
Then we set off to complete a traditional camping tradition: THE CAMPFIRE. This is not quite as easy as it sounds, but before all you Boy Scouts set upon me, let me remind you all that the ground was soaking wet and it was drizzling. Undaunted, we persevered, managing to keep Mr. Selman away from the fire pit long enough to get a beautiful blaze going, perfect for marshmallow roasting! After all, since when is one desert enough? Come to think of it, we also had Chips Ahoy. When did the Boy Scouts ever have it so good? Three deserts!
The smoke was horrendous, and I kept inhaling ash, but besides that we had a lovely conversation, again, strictly Classified. The rain finally drove us from the fire side and into the tent; freezing to death, we all bundled up and snuggled deep into our sleeping bags.
*sigh* And now I must admit to something dreadful: THE RETREAT. The rest of them (I was still asleep) all woke up at three in the morning and found that they were all soaked. So what do they do? "Retreat!" They all flee to the house, where they dry off and snuggle up in quilts together. Twenty minutes later, I wake up, look around, and I'm all alone in that darn tent! I'm soaked too, and I panic because I just had a nightmare about a flood and I start thinking that there is going to be a flood and they all evacuated, leaving me to drown to death! Not a pleasant thought.
So eye left too, scrambling like mad up to the house. What do I find? No flood, just a bunch of wet ducks shivering together. Sheesh. I see no point in going back out alone, I probably wouldn't fall back asleep anyhow. So I creep, quite disgusted, into Brooke's bed where I slept quietly till morning.
My boys, Spectre, is a kind of inside joke. I forget who first said it, and I highly doubt anyone remembers it but me. *sigh* Good times. Anyhow, "my boys" refers to my youth group, somewhat unfortunately populated almost entirely by males. I have nothing personally against boys (Love you Uncle Dave!!!) , I just wish there were more sisters in Christ with which to converse at church. :-)
I have learned a lot about boys this past year and a half, and have actually learned to endure one or two of them *wink wink* I don't believe the ratio of brothers to sisters is quite so drastic up there *glares*, meaning that I'm leaving My Boys forever.
Don't worry, Joy, when I leave I shall only give them a side hug! You know I'm going to be thinking about that every time I give anybody a hug. Ah well.
I hope this has been an enlightening post to one or more of my readers! I shall leave you with a quote:
"Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law."
-Hubert Humphreys
Good grief, you really are pushing it a *tiny* bit!
JCCCCCC!!!!!!!!!!!SomepersonthatI havenocluewhotheyarejustpostedon mysighttoday!!!!Theusernamewaslike JD_somethingsomething,andtheyinvitedtotheirsite,soIwentandthewholesightwasaboutmakingmoneyathome,andIhavenocluewhothispersonisandIdon'twanttomakeanymoneyoffofmypictures,andnowI'mpanickingasyoucanprobablysee,andDEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPBREATH and I don't know how it happened and so what do you think???
Oh, by the way, the blog was jd_5231, I think. Any ideas?
Heard you got there safely around 2 am... anything seriously new that you might need to report on this blog?
well have fun (or something)
I mean aside from the car problem... ;)
And the grill...
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