It's getting closer and closer to Thanksgiving! The holiday season is upon us. 'Tis the season for travelling, and my family will be journying to my grandparent's house in New Mexico. My grandma called yesterday with an exciting proposition - after the rest of our family leaves, Jordan and I will stay an estra week and fly home *gasp* by ourselves!!!!! We are so excited!
A whole week with Grandma and Dan Dan to ourselves, and a plane ride home; this is exciting because neither of us has set foot on a plane since we were babies and of course that doesn't count. Yes!
Okay, for your challenge of the day:
You have to decide which of these pictures I took, and which I found online. Dundunduuuunnn!
You have to decide which of these pictures I took, and which I found online. Dundunduuuunnn!
How about this?
P.S. Josh Groban will be on Good Morning America tomorrow!!!!!!!
My guess is the josh groban one. Hiya!!! I'm back(kinda). Go to my site to get the whole story.
Hey, I have a question for you, JC, you can talk to people who don't have blogs, but have things like Xanga and MySpace can't you? I really really want to know because my newest best friend Alyx(you haven't met her yet) moved to Lufkin a few months ago, and I haven't got to talk to her nearly as much as I would like, but she has a MySpace. So I was wondering if you did know, would you get a hold of me somehow to tell me how to? Thanks ever so much!!
Well, it was nice to talk to you again, but I have to go.
In the first set, you took the second. In the second set of pictures, you took the first. Am I right?
correction: I had it reversed. In the first you took the first, in the second, the second.
50% correct. In the first, I took the second, and in the second, I took the second. :-) Got it?
Hey Erin, I'll just call you - drat, phone lines...right. Okay, I'll see you tonight.
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