April 11, 2006

Three thoughts

Thought #1: The Greatest Sneeze
"A few weeks ago I was sitting in Sunday School, tipping my folding chair back a little (didn't your mother ever tell you not to do that!) when I happened to sneeze, not once, twice, thrice...and so on, I forget the words...I sneezed five times, really really hard and on the fifth sneeze, my chair fell over backwards and I got up, my nose running and tears streaming down my face, effects of The Great Sneeze, along with a red face, effects of embarrasment. Let's just say we didn't learn very much that morning."
Fast Fact: Achoo is an acrostic for Autosomal Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst!

Thought #2: The Unseen Watchers
"Doesn't it ever creep any of you out to think that there are people who read our blogs secretly and never give any evidence of it? They rarely, if ever, comment, yet they read everything we ever post and know what goes on behind the doors of our bedrooms...perhaps a bit melodramatic, this, but still. It's koinda freaky!"

Thought #3: A Creative Bit of Fiction
"The National Geographic Society has released a translation of a translation of a book revealing "what really happened." Read About the Book of Judas Here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thought #2 : Ya know, if you didn't want someone to read about what's "going on behind your bedroom door"Ya shouldn't post it, and if you're worried about some stranger reading your blog and not leaving a comment, ya shouldn't have a blog because that's something that comes with the package, so get over it

And yes that was very melodramtic, not to mention ridiculous.