February 27, 2009

Recently I was enjoying a half hour or so alone in the house, happily creating some dinner. I was making good use of the broiler when I got in too much of a hurry and grabbed the oven element instead of the cookie sheet. Whoops. You will be glad to know I was not injured in any way, but the pot holder was seared nearly all the way through. And -- it smelled of burnt marshmallows. Yummy.

As you know, last Wednesday marked the beginning of Lent. I attended a lovely Ash Wednesday service alone, which is always best for those sorts of services. As you can see, I rather like to be alone.

I have given up sweets, desserts, and other foods subjectively deemed to contain too much sugar. This is sad for me, but a great time to exercise devotion. It's also a good time to devote my time to exercise, which should theoretically couple with the no sugar and possibly result in a smaller waistline?

Happy fasting....

Psalm of Confession for Lent: Psalm 51:1-17

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