September 5, 2008

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
And heal all my disease

Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
Nothing is impossible for You
You hold my world in Your hands

Two weeks ago, I sat in our youth group's weekly acoustic worship service and saw a whole room full of teenagers absolutely moved by this song called Healer. It was written by a pastor in Australia, who performed it on stage with oxygen tubes in his nose after sharing his testimony about his two year battle with terminal cancer. Since then, people around the world have joined with Michael Guglielmucci, sharing his song, donating money.

Until the news came out: Michael Guglielmucci does not have cancer. It was all a fraud. Guglielmucci has lied to the world, has even lied to his own family. What can we even think about a story like that? I believe one can rightfully assume that Christians are ready to pray for his wife, pray for his church, and everyone else who has been hurt.

Can we forgive Guglielmucci?

His life has been shattered. For whatever his sins, whatever his mental problems, the words of that song are still true.

And yet, it's really painful. I don't know the guy at all, but I'm angry with him. Just one more missile for non-Christians to add to their arsenal. He's getting help now, and that's good. His family and church are starting to put things back together. Now it'll just be a matter of time.

The news story

"Healer," as performed at the Hillsong conference,23599,24216087-2,00.html,22606,24223781-5006301,00.html

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