August 7, 2008

The Passionate Player

So, how many of you share my passion for the game of Crud? Also known as Skittles, Ghetto Ball, etc.

You can look at the Wikipedia link for a good idea of how to play, though of course a few house rules apply depending on who you play with.

So we were playing last night at church, and I was doing very well. At one point I even managed to beat Isaac, who is an absolute wizard at this game. The person behind him usually lasts exactly three rounds - long enough for him to sink the 8 ball on you each time and put you out of your misery. :-)

Last night there happened to be a lot of people from other churches, Skittlesless churches, that joined us. EVERY round new people would wander up and we would have to stop and explain the rules. Again. And again.

Some people, you explain the game to them and their first turn, they break the rules. You tell them that's okay, its theri first time, we wont give you a strike and you reiterate that they must not throw from whichever side they please. They do it again and again till everyone is too nice to tell them they are breaking the rules every time and you have a perfect mess. That is a pet peeve of mine - people who break the same rule every time.

Then, there are the sissy players. They do NOT pay attention to when its their turn, they squeak and just stand there watching the ball, they feebly bat at the cue ball, and walk wimpishly around to the end of the table to throw it. *shrieks of great frustration*

This is a competitive game!!!!!!!!!!!! You must attack the ball!!!! You must wait in a strategic position when the person before you goes up to shoot! You must sprint around the table, and shove the other bozos who aren't paying attention out of the way!!!! No politeness, if they get an elbow in the gut they won't stand in the way next time!!!!!!

Of course you all say I take this way too seriously. Maybe I do - but I do it out of pure love for this excellent game..............

*dramatic music* ____ *fade to black*

1 comment:

Ellentia said...

Wow, I can just picture you saying every word of this post! I guess it's a good thing that I don't play because I would probably fall into the "sissy" category.
