January 31, 2008

So I was thinking about how my blog is getting to be a slight annoyance. Now you think I'm going to say I'm abandoning it, don't you? No, I'm certainly not, but I was thinking I might change a few things. I have contemplated creating another blog just for my hundreds of YouTube videos, and probably the little stories and poems that I continually come across. So, just thought I'd mention that.
Yesterday was a very nice day. I spent the morning at an ACT prep workshop con mi padre and came home with a libro grande para studying and otherwise raising your score, which of course means the difference between scholarships and flipping burgers. Also purchased was a TI graphing calculator complete with a wonderfully unbelievable collection of special programs written in, all quite legal for the test, that should really help. It would probably help more if I understood even one thing about Trig or calculus. :-)

I could tell you several interesting facts and statistics, but that would definitely be robbing SeƱor Cargill. You must find him yourself if you want to hear him. [whoo! Never would have thought of that one on your own, would you????]

Last night at church my sister and I sold the last of our fundraiser candy bars, thank heavens. It went faster than I expected, and we even got to eat a couple of them. :-)

Today I got up late because stayed up late, read a lot of pages in my history book about the influence of the Salem Witch Trials on the making of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and played out in the snow. Yay for snow. I also attempted to register my phone online and that was a most frustrating activity. After the twentieth time of being told

One or more errors were detected on your profile update. Please scroll down for details and resubmit your information.

I started losing patience. The password was undoubtedly the source of all this, but it would not let me do anything to it!!!!! I do not want their temporary password. So what do I do? Calmly call the help hotline. Here, surely I would find the answers!

Surely. I was transferred three times, each mini conversation going something like "Hello, thank you for calling HotSpot Support, how are you doing today? Please give me your name and mobile number." Momentary interlude while I try to explain what's wrong. "Oh! Let me transfer you - please have an excellent day!!!!!!!" Till we get to a lady that might actually be the right person. If. I. Could. Understand. What. She. Was. SAYING!!!!!!! This blessed

"...trained and courteous Customer Service Representative"

somehow thought I could understand her talking 6000 mph without breath or pause. Well, once she paused and I got the idea that she must be waiting for me to answer some question. After repeated attempts to tell her that she was talking too fast, I simply ended the conversation. That was productive. Some time later, I did figure out the problem. Bah humbug. :-)


Ellentia said...

That picture of the cat with the lime on it's head is the most adorable picture! I can just imagine what you would have to do to get something like that onto a cat!


Petr said...

I saw an identical picture earlier this week that said
"what do you do when:

1. you have a few minutes extra time
2. you have a lime
3. you have a very patient cat
4. it's football season"

Don't abandon this blog. It's a bad idea. The ghosts will come after you.

I tell you, the internet is ALWAYS a better source for problem solving than the "help hotline". The internet doesn't go down a list asking you whether you "turned on your computer" (the people really have a list like that most of the time) or not. :|