May 14, 2007


I didn't want to like her. After all, she's not like me. She's black, I'm white. I didn't have any friends like her - none of my friends had friends like her. We had our style, they had theirs. We would never mix. Not that we purposely avoided them; it just worked best that way. At least that what I used to think.

I didn't want to grow to appreciate the way she challenged me on my views about life. People. Music. Things. I used to think the way I was brought up - believing all those stereotypes - was fine. Until she opened my eyes.

I hadn't planned to notice the way she loved her family - how connected they were. I wish my family was as tight as hers. I didn't predict I'd end up admiring the way she dressed. She has an incredible sense of style I wish I had.

There was no way we had anything in common - that's what I said at first. Then I found out she's a lot like me. She laughs. She loves. She cries. She lives life, just like me. How could someone so different be so much like me? And how could I keep her out of my life because of the color of her skin? How could people be so wrong about each other?

No, I didn't plan to like her. But it turns out, I did. Now? She's my best friend.


Today the USPS officially raised the postage rate from $.39 to $.41 And all those $.39 stamps you have laying around? You can now purchase $.02 stamps to round it up to the required postage. Yay.

The Forever Stamp has also been officially unveiled, priced at the same $.41. These stamps, bearing the familiar image of the Liberty Bell, will supposedly be accepted for all postage in the future, even if the rate goes up. What do we think? It will last one, maybe two price rises, then it's out for the Forever Stamp.


Petr said...

Somehow the forever stamp might not last forever--forever is a loong time, especially for an economy.

OCH!! Dreadful stereotypes! Whether we know it or not, we all use them. Maybe not even the ones the rest of society uses, but still... humanity has a habit of judging by first sight. Imagine what you would have if a superhero came along--who wanted to neither save the world or conquer it. What then? Do we make another stereotype for those "other" superheros? Even now I realize that I almost fit my own stereotype of "deep thoughts" (Evan-type) and "long rants" (Shadow). :P

Ellentia said...

I am terrible at not stereo typing people! I find myself categorizing people as preps, weirdos, wild and nice. I can't seem to help it! And then when I find out differently it drives me nuts!
