February 4, 2007

My weekend

Non guardarmi
Non cercare di spiegare
lo sapevo
Che finiva prima o poi
È solo ieri
Che dicevi "quanto ti amo"
Me era soltanto
Una stato di agonia

Solo adesso
sembri cosi preoccupata
si direbe
che ora soffri più di me
ma non è vero
non mi hai mai nemmeno amato
non andresti via cosi

Mai crederò
Mai ci cadrò
In queste false emozioni
Dove non c'è pietà

Friday dad and I drove back down to Texas. A lady at church passed away and dad came back to sing at the services. He sang On Eagle's Wings. It was so beautiful and appropriate; there wasn't a dry eye in the place, at least anywhere around me.

He'll raise you up on eagles wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His hand.

Mrs. Brice was a wonderful lady. Listening to her children and the pastor talking about her, I was a little sad because I really don't think I could be the lady Mrs. Brice was. That kind of wife, mother, and person. I have a little while to practice, but it's still depressing.

I got to spend the night with my dear Lily, which was WONDERFUL to say the least. Her pain of a boyfriend couldn't make it into town the next morning to see me, but I did manage to at last see a picture of him. *sigh* He's not at all what I expected.

The next morning, we did like all normal people do at sleepovers -- we danced along to a whole tape of Denise Austin's Cardio Dancer workout. We burned innumerable calories whilst learning relatively simple Latin, Ballet, Jazz and Pop steps.

Lily complained desperately to me that I always catch on quicker than she does! Not true. Anyhow, we had a blast and actually got a pretty good workout. Denise Austin, we both agreed, is the least annoying exercise instructor yet. If you want to take a closer look, check out these links.




Ellentia said...

Dance workouts! Exactly what everyone wants to do!

emerald lily said...

Just what was THAT supposed to mean? Just WHAT were you expecting? And don't judge a book by its cover; he happens to be someone I never thought that I would find, and I won't let ANYONE make a hasty and unjustified judgement of him!!!!!!
So watch it! ;)