August 10, 2006

The alphabet game

Do any of you remember playing the alphabet game, you know, on long trips. You try and spot things in alphabetical order. Anthill, barn, cat, and so on. Well, this is the East Texas Alphabet Game:

A lot of trees
Boy there's a lot of trees.
Crimeney there's a bunch of trees!
Darn it, I don't want to see any more trees!
Enough trees, already!
Far too many trees.
Gigantic amounts of trees.
Hundreds of trees.
Infinite amounts of trees.
Just too many trees.
Kill all trees!
Lots of trees.
More trees!
No more trees, please.
Oh no, more trees!
Pretend you really do like trees.
Quorum? That's way more than a quorum.
Rows and rows of trees
So many trees!
Unbelievable amount of trees.
Very ugly trees.
Why so many trees?
X amount of trees.
Yards of trees.
Zillions of trees.

1 comment:

Musical Mir said...

Yes, there are a lot of trees there, today we took a drive out of town to see the hillsides and trees, well baby ones. so appreciate them even if they are everywhere!!! LOL! I thought I would leave you a comment to say hi and thanks for checking our blog a lot. Give your mom a hug for me and Olivia a kiss and rock Philip for me too. Miss you guys!