March 8, 2006

The Wayne Campaign

Congratulations Wayne Christian!

He couldn't have done it without us, of course! All those hours spent calling people on the phone, being invariably yelled and cursed at, going from door to door passing out pamphlets, screaming and jumping up and down on street corners, and all the gas money we spent driving to Center have not been in vain! Our work, sweat, and tears have all been paid off in that one glorious moment when we knew he'd won!

A review of our walk in this campaign:

We started out blockwalking around the High School. Courtney won the prize for the worst experience when Grandpa answered the door, forgetting he was clothesless. Next came phone calls, where we learned that there are some very strange people in East Texas. Did anyone else realize that there was a cursed forest in the vicinity? Finally, we wasted an entire day standing on busy street corners waving signs, screaming until we were hoarse, jumping up and down, getting sunburned, and generally making fools of ourselves. Remember, "Conservatives for Caribou!" We got interviewed on tv, had our pictures taken for the newspaper office, and sealed a place in political history for the Nacogdoches Area Home School Teens. Good job, team! It's been an altogether memorable experience.

Along the way, we've had some great bonding time; debated several topics, choked down a horrifying amount of Billy Bob's Plastic Pizza, and shared some great songs from Phantom of the Opera. We've met some great people, including Mr. John, Mrs. Lisa, Mr. Wayne, and others. Of course, who can forget the real reason for this whole campaign? iPods!!!!!!!! But we have yet to find out who the lucky winners are.

So there you have it, my first campaign experience. Hooray!

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